
GX ep.7 - Ingrid Stefancic, Corporate Secretary, Logistec Corporation

Series 1 of The Governance Exchange looks at the response to Covid-19. In episode 7, we hear from Ingrid Stefancic who is the Corporate Secretary for Logistec Corporation and all of its subsidiaries. Having worked for the organisation since 1997, Ingrid brings with her a wealth of experience. Ingrid will share her background, experience of- and response to- the Coronavirus pandemic. In particular, we'll hear what happened in the first couple of days, was her organisation prepared, were their regulators on the front-foot, how did they look after the wellbeing of their staff, what she and the organisation learnt and above all, what advice would she give for those that are new to the profession.

What is The Governance Exchange?

The governance exchange - a new interview series that examines global governance issues through the eyes of leading practitioners, academics and commentators. Short and sharp, these 1-to-1 interviews will bring to light the insights and experiences that we all want to hear. They will be available to view on-demand to then be followed-up with a robust discussion on The Chartered Governance Institute’s eCommunity. Find out more...

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