23 April 2024
CGI Global Webinar: 'Navigating Social Responsibility'
OnlineOver at least a decade there has been a growing expectation that our major corporations will pursue their profit motive whilst at the same time operating in a manner that benefits the common good. There is an expectation from some that our major corporations will occasionally take a public stand on important social issues that affects their stakeholders as well as the broader community. The expectation is not universal. In the last couple of years many commentators are pushing back on this trend. In particular, when shareholder’s funds are involved. Regardless of the position taken, and the outcome, if corporations do take a stand on a social issue, it is often complicated and occasionally creates difficulties. The term ‘navigate’ in the tittle sums up the situation perfectly. There is no defined road-map. Organisations must approach each situation on its own. Take the opportunity to hear from those that have to deal with this everyday.
13 September 2023
CGI Global Webinar: ‘Good governance for family-owned companies’
OnlineFamily-owned companies, whether small or medium or large can benefit from good governance practices. They face unique challenges in regard to succession planning, separation of powers and sustainability. When is the optimal time to put in place some of the ingredients of a traditional governance structure such as a board with independent directors or audit & risk committees? What sort of structures are appropriate to provide for a workable separation of powers and how does a family-company navigate cross-directorships and related-party transactions?
25 April 2023
CGI Global Webinar: 'Sustainability, Climate Change and Net-Zero'
OnlineGovernance professionals have an obligation to assist their organisations to put in place business practices that are sustainable, limit the impact of climate change and are ethical. How these business practices and associated policies are implemented, how they are measured and reported, and whether they are genuinely embedded in the organisation’s culture will be closely watched by investors and the wider stakeholder universe. Whether the organisation’s board is ready to meet its responsibilities will also be under the microscope.
19 October 2022
CGI Global Webinar - 'Values of Belonging, Dignity and Justice'
OnlineGiving people a sense of belonging, treating them with dignity and providing justice (BDJ) is a question of fundamental values. An awareness of the values of BDJ is not an alternative to the themes of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). On the contrary, it is complementary by examining, building and reinforcing the values on which the sustained implementation of DEI processes must rest.
09 March 2022
CGI Global Webinar: 'Ethical Governance of AI'
OnlineGiven the ever-increasing worldwide usage of AI in social and economic systems, it is increasingly important for governance professionals to be mindful of the risks that accompany the benefits offered by AI. Ethical governance of AI will be an ongoing consideration for all organisations. It is essential for all governance professionals to guide their organisations in establishing solid governance structures and protocols for everyone from board members down.
24 August 2021
CGI Global Webinar: ‘The Realities of Digital Age Risk’
OnlineBusiness and government operations in the Digital Age are scalable, powerful and enabling - but come with inherent and disruptive and potentially devastating financial and operational impacts. It is an imperative today to identify, prioritize and mitigate those risks to your revenue and reputation continuously - especially for governance, risk and compliance professionals. Do you fully understand the digital-age risk landscape? Do you understand your organisation’s governance, risk and compliance priorities in the context of the digital-age? This webinar and follow-up workshop of kicking-off a cyber risk programme is a must if you want your organisation to be resilient, responsive and successful today and into the future.
08 June 2021
The Governance Exchange Series 3 - In the boardroom
WebinarsSeries 3 of The Governance Exchange takes advantage of the unique perspective that governance professionals have in observing and participating in what happens in the boardroom. ‘In the boardroom’ will speak with governance professionals that have taken it to the next step and have developed theories of human behaviour that drive board performance.
11 March 2021
CGI Global Webinar: 'Women in the boardroom'
OnlineThe Chartered Governance Institute recently released its thought provoking report – Women in the boardroom: An international governance stocktake. While the last decade has seen an improvement in board gender diversity the change is slow and patchy, being most successful in statutory boards in countries where there is political will for change. As part of International Women’s Day #ChooseToChallenge, we heard a global perspective from five experts on their take on the conclusions of the report and the challenge to increase diversity in the boardroom; • What measures have worked well toward increasing the percentage of women in the boardroom? • What have been the main drivers of increasing diversity and how do they differ across countries? • What are the unique aspects of a role in governance that can be a stepping-stone to moving into board roles?
08 October 2020
CGI Global Webinar: - 'The changing role of the governance professional post-Covid'
OnlineStructured as a panel discussion, this webinar examined what changed and what did not change from the perspective of three leading practicing company secretaries and one non-executive director. We were fortunate to be joined by: - Sandi Linford from Vodacom in South Africa - David Simmonds from CLP Holdings Limited in Hong Kong - Victoria Whyte from GlaxoSmithKline plc in the UK - Peter Turnbull, non-executive director in Australia - Tim Sheehy, Director General of The Chartered Governance Institute who was the Moderator Now available on demand.
25 September 2020
Interview with Tim Sheehy, Director General and Professor Michael Adams, Head of UNE Law School
OnlineInterview with Tim Sheehy, Director General and Professor Michael Adams, Head of UNE Law School – discussing the impact of new technologies on the role of the governance professional and the capacity for organisations to engage with their stakeholders.
10 September 2020
The Governance Exchange Series 2 - Hot Topics
WebinarsThe second series of The Governance Exchange interviews is called ‘Hot Topics’ and will interview experts in their field on topics that are front of mind now. These interviews are a unique opportunity to examine governance practice in some prolific environments, on what are certainly very hot topics in the current day.
12 June 2020
The Governance Exchange Series 1 - The response to Covid-19
WebinarsThis first set of interviews looked at how leading company secretaries and governance professionals across a range of countries responded to Covid-19. What happened in those first couple of days, was their organisation prepared, were their regulators on the front-foot, how did they look after the wellbeing of their staff, what did they learn and most important…what advice did they have for those that are new to the profession.
02 June 2020
CGI Global Webinar: 'Do we really need to meet? Learning from a pandemic'
OnlineDifferent countries are at different stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the severity of the pandemic has also varied widely from country to country. As part of the response to the pandemic, governments in every country have to consider imposing constraints, amongst other things, on public meetings. In doing so, laws and regulations which actually require meetings to be held have to be amended, adapted or suspended whenever these might jeopardise the overwhelming goal of safeguarding public health.
15 May 2020
Joint webinar – ICSI, CSIA and CGI – Impact of Covid-19 and the role of professionals
OnlineProfessionals are playing an important role in helping their organisation and economy negotiate the impact of Covid-19. This webinar, organised by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India brings together company secretaries from India, the UAE, the United States, Australia and South Africa – each with a unique perspective on how professionals in their country have contributed.